Normative regulation of behavior


  • Ruben G. Apressyan Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


normative regulation, law, custom, etiquette, morality, Emile Durkheim, Oleg Drobnitskii


Normative regulation is a kind of behavior determination. Unlike the influence of evolutionary mechanisms, reciprocal adaptation, manipulation of consciousness or appeal to superior authority its incentive influence to human consciousness and behavior is based on norms that are generalized ideas independent of private interest. Morality, law, custom, etiquette, protocol, ritual, official and organization standing orders and other forms of normative regulation differ from each other by the agent of demands (authority), by the scope of their application, their social status, a way of their justifying and sanctions. In this paper, a close look is taken at morality as a specific kind of moral regulation.


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Author Biography

  • Ruben G. Apressyan, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences

    * доктор философских наук, профессор, руководитель сектора и главный научный сотрудник (признан иностранным агентом Министерством юстиции Российской Федерации 09.12.2022)






How to Cite

2019. Normative regulation of behavior. Chelovek. 1 (Aug. 2019), 5–19.