Nostalgic Experience of a Place of Power (Based on the White Sea Biological Station Named After N.A. Pertsov)




nostalgic experience, ambivalence of nostalgia, place of power, place attachment, close people, significant events, unique environmental conditions, White Sea Biological Station Named After N.A. Pertsov


The nostalgic experience of a place of power is considered using the example of the White Sea Biological Station named after N.A. Pertsov. Number of research examining the influence of place on human behavior, development and health, as well as its resource capacity, has increased dramatically in recent decades. We tested two research questions: what is the structure of the nostalgic experience of a place of power and what valence does it have? The studyrespondents are aged 16–25, 10 are female and 25 are male. We used the content analysis of interview texts with the identification of categories and codes, as well as the Janis coefficient to assess the valence of the nostalgic experience of a place of power. The results of the study showed that the structure of in the nostalgic experience of a place of power using the example of the White Sea Biological Station includes three main categories, mentioned in order of importance: Unique Environmental Conditions, Significant Events and Close People. The results of the study indicate the dominant positive valence of the White Sea Biological Station as the nostalgic experience of a place of power (the Janis coefficient — 0.11) and alsothat the nostalgic experience of a place of power can be ambivalent. On the one hand, it promotes movement forward by encouraging reflection on the past, where difficulties have been overcome more than once. On the other hand, if a person isprone to unhealthy thinking patterns, the benefits of remembering the past are neutralized, leading to fixation on it. The research results can be used in psychological counseling and psychotherapy, as well a part of training and programs to improve the level of personal potential and coping with difficult lifesituations.


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Author Biographies

  • Tatyana I. Solov’yeva, National Research University Higher School of Economics

    Research Intern of Laboratory for the Psychology of Salutogenic Environment

  • Mikhail Yu. Tokarev, Lomonosov Moscow State University

    CSc in Technical Sciences, Chief Research Fellow of the Department of Seismometry and Geoacoustics, Faculty of Geology

  • Milana R. Khachaturova, National Research University Higher School of Economics

    CSc in Psychology, Аssociate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Deputy Head of Laboratory for the Psychology of SalutogenicEnvironment






How to Cite

2024. Nostalgic Experience of a Place of Power (Based on the White Sea Biological Station Named After N.A. Pertsov). Chelovek. 35, 5 (Nov. 2024), 29–49. DOI: