Sociobiology and Biosociality

Translated by G. B. Yudin


  • Paul Rabinow University of California (Berkeley)
  • Greg B. Yudin Higher School of Economics


genetic engineering, human genome, nature, culture, life, sociobiology, biosociality, artificiality


Recent advances in biotechnologies have radically transformed the relations between nature and culture. Sociobiology as a project of reforming society according to natural principles is giving way to the practices of biosociality that makes culture a model for nature. This paper examines how new genetic engineering techniques in science, diagnostics, and food industry, shape the bonds between life, labor, and language. Nature is no longer articulated as infinite nor finite but displays the plethora of potentialities actualized by new forms of power-knowledge.


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Author Biographies

  • Paul Rabinow, University of California (Berkeley)

    PhD in Anthropology, Professor of Anthropology

  • Greg B. Yudin, Higher School of Economics

    PhD in Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Laboratory for Studies in Economic Sociology



How to Cite

2019. Sociobiology and Biosociality: Translated by G. B. Yudin. Chelovek. 30, 6 (Dec. 2019), 8–26.