The artist: The mirror phenomenon.


  • Oleg A. Krivtsun Russian Academy of Arts


creativity, the stage of the mirror, the artist's consciousness, the process of introspection, self-correction, I as the Other, mirrored consciousness


The complex processes of selfobservation and selfcorrection are explored a con dition for fullfledged creativity. The stage of a mirror, or the mechanism of a mirror is interpreted as productive states of the artist’s consciousness in any kind of art. Along with spontaneity and intuition, creativity requires a thirdparty view, grinding and evaluating the work being created. Often this is the artist (actor, musician) him self/herself, his/her own detached view that functions as such an outsider, the Other. Thus, the dialogue of the creator is tied to his/her own self, in the process of creation the artist acts as the director of himself.

Author Biography

  • Oleg A. Krivtsun, Russian Academy of Arts

    доктор философских наук, профессор, академик Российской академии художеств, заведующий отделом теории искусства Института теории и истории изобразительных искусств РАХ, заслуженный деятель искусств РФ






How to Cite

2019. The artist: The mirror phenomenon. Chelovek. 3 (Aug. 2019), 54–67.