The article untimely
E.I. Zamyatin, V.I. Lenin, We, Anti-soviet, P.N. Chermenskiy, LebedyanAbstract
The author ponders over why in 1970 in the local newspaper of the town of Lebedyan', the writer E.I. Zamyatin home town, could be published an article by local historian P. N. Chermensky on the life and creative work of their fellow countryman who was almost forgotten at that time and long since had died in Paris. Still more astonishing was the fact that the article appeared on the eve of century since the birth of V. I. Lenin, while E.I. Zamyatin is know as the thoughtful and sharp critic of Lenin's policy of «war communism» and his anti-Utopia novel «We» was considered in the USSR anti-Soviet and forbidden to the publication.