The problems of the ethics of technoscience in the works by E. Agazzi


  • M.I. Frolova


этика науки, биоэтика, Э. Агацци, добросовестность в исследованиях, риски, регулятивы научной деятельности


The analysis of ethical problems within the science and technoscience are the most interesting and topical segment of the creative work by the famous Italian philosopher and methodologist of the science. The philosopher differentiates the cognitive freedom of science as a knowledge from the responsibility of the science as a human activity. In its first mode the science may not be subject to any restrictions while the science put in the second mode is subject not only to legal imperatives but to moral ones as well. The ideas by Agazzi closely echo the views that were being developed in the home philosophy since late 1980-ies within interdisciplinary research of the Human and within bioethics.

Author Biography

  • M.I. Frolova

    независимый исследователь. Постоянный автор журнала.







How to Cite

2019. The problems of the ethics of technoscience in the works by E. Agazzi. Chelovek. 5 (May 2019), 55–68.