About the Coincidence of the Unclear Essence of Time and Human





consciousness, intelligence, artificial intelligence, appearance, hallucination, imaginary, cognition, truth, Parmenides, illusory matter


The article substantiates the idea that human lives in time, and animals live in space. Animals evolve, and human hallucinates, because to hallucinate means, according to the author, to live in time. Analyzing the ideas of Parmenides, the author shows that to live in time means to go beyond what is, to what is not. The principle of the difference between truth and apparent things allows the author to come to the conclusion that intelligence is a product of evolution, and consciousness is the product of an explosion of hallucinations that occurred in the Late Paleolithic era. If the psyche is considered as navigation of the movement of living organisms among things, then consciousness is understood as navigation in the world of images, or, what is the same, as navigation in the picture of the world. It follows that consciousness is not a part of the psyche. In this regard, there is a problem of distinguishing between human, organic and artificial intelligence. To do this, the author introduces the concept of hallucenosis, understanding by it the relationship of objects of thoughts and feelings of a person. Organic intelligence is built into the instinct of living organisms, human intelligence is built into consciousness. Artificial intelligence is mathematical navigation in the world of numbers. Organic intelligence needs biogeocenosis, human intelligence needs hallucenosis. Artificial intelligence does not need either. Organic intelligence is used to navigate the world of sounds, colors and smells. Whereas human intelligence works in the field of forms and time. The obscure essence of human and the obscure essence of time, the author concludes, coincide.


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Author Biography

  • Fyodor I. Girenok, Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophical Anthropology of the Faculty of Philosophy






How to Cite

2024. About the Coincidence of the Unclear Essence of Time and Human. Chelovek. 35, 1 (Jul. 2024), 9–25. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31857/S0236200724010013.